Discover the most dangerous error in USB
Discover the most dangerous error in USB
Computer and Internet security is as important as the more important issue of the safety of nuclear installations is the case. If the person who stole the nuclearweapons will try to steal the computer and the Internet hackers sitting thousands of miles away can also catch the weapon. Iran's nuclear facilities, which are not unique to learn hundreds of computers were infected with the virus.
The whole world is worried about the security of computers and the Internet, andalmost every day we hear of hacking and cyber attacks. This is a big problemworldwide threats to computers and the Internet on intelligent mind day and nightso that we can do the research and you can use them safely. Now the same team of researchers has discovered a problem which is unprecedented in the recent past. This security hole or defect USB (Uni debate Serial Bus) is found in, yes theUSB-day computers, laptops, mobile phones, TV, DVD player and every smallelectronic device used in being. Since every USB port to use tool has the disorder around the world billions of devices have been endangered.
This error is so serious that many cyber security experts sensitive computers toUSB devices (such as computers with confidential information and importantdefense secrets) to connect (connecting) are prohibited. To overcome thisproblem currently exists no system, no way. Unfortunately rid of this problem in the near future a permanent solution is not technically possible. The only way to avoidthis is to attack your computer with the USB Apply only on the couch cent trustyou, but still you remain stuck possibilities.
This error, because a computer USB devices can be used to obtain full control, USB Implementers Forum (USB to set standards organization) to give priority tothe security of the facility is. This organization is responsible for this mess but Idecided to give priority to the convenience of the USB is so popular.
The risk or error discovered in Berlin SR Labs security company and flatbed USB(BadUSB) is called.
SR Labs Whether it's your computer, smart phone, and external hard drives orscanners, in which each device has a USB port, a USB controller chip does exist.This controller chip USB connection with another device controls. SR Labsdiscovered that the firmware on the controller chips (software) that is similar toreprogram a dangerous thing (such as copying confidential data from the computer to the device or the computer virus quietly) I change. Research showsthat the biggest problems of this kind is impossible to know.
The computer industry in 1994, seven major companies affiliated companies,including Microsoft, Intel, IBM included, the group began work on USB. Their goalouter (external) devices connected to the computer user had to make. Earlierthere were various options for connecting to the computer. Keyboard mouse PS / 2 ports, printers and other devices used while it was used for the LPT ports. Thisgroup these ports and users from all kinds of devices connected to the computerto the same port was developed. In 1995, Intel began to develop circuits tosupport USB, and during the next few years, USB touched the heights ofpopularity. But the biggest advantage of the USB to be the master of every situation has become its biggest flaw.
You often simultaneously with your computers USB mouse, USB keyboard, USBflash drive and a USB network card is used. How hard thing to know is that the computer USB port so that the device has been attached to the mouse orkeyboard?
Each USB device is a class or rank. It tells the class that is the end device. Thesame class computer flash drive to a storage device and a USB mouse orpointing device understands Human Interface Device.
Host class drivers that are in your computer or smartphone. This particular classdevice class drivers are for. The device driver support specific class works.Therefore, as soon as your USB keyboard to any computer, laptop orsmartphone keyboard connected to the drive when the board starts to work immediately.
Experts say that SR Labs USB controllers firmware is such that they can be re-programmed computer different show his class. This means that the USB flashdrive (Mass Storage Device) controller chip that can be re-programmed to connect the computer to the flash drive instead of themselves and thus assigningnetwork controller on the network the forms of communications monitoring or flashdrive start by telling her class HID keyboard and mouse from start to record allmovements to command or automatically Emailed start. HID considers thecomputer to the flash drive, so she gave it to obey commands, such as thekeyboard and mouse to confess it. These commands or orders to install aprogram may be contaminated or other USB devices connected to the hostmachine's firmware to re-program too.
USB security error occurs as no surprise, surprise, it's so much more that just is not the complete solution of this problem in the near future.
Nowadays, billions USB devices are being used in every corner of the world.Now it's not so easy in the billions of devices to check whether the firmware ischanged or not. There is no mechanism in the computer so that the firmwarerecycling program would not have been found. And then, through the anti-virussoftware, such as the change or fraud may not be aware of.
SR Lab says further details regarding this issue, starting August 7, 2014 Black Hat (Black Hat 2014) The conference will tell.
One way to tackle this problem in the future, the manufacturer of your USB devicefirmware sign (Sign) and each time the device connects to a host computer or toconfirm it. But such a large number of USB devices have been used in thefollowing ways that will take several months to several years.
The second method may be different ports of the computer assigns differentclasses of devices. Then it's the USB port Mass storage is allocated for the lead in the second class will not be accepted. And even if you change the firmware tothe USB port will not be accepted. But for the solution to all your computers andservers around the world have to change is indeed a wishful thinking.
no, the decision itself is a very big problem !!
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