Tuesday, 18 November 2014

symptoms of cancerکینسر کی وہ علامات جوآپ عموماً نظر انداز کردیتے ہیں

symptoms of cancer

to contact the doctor if they can keep you from cancer. (to know the early signs of cancer in men and click)
-1 Pysap you have to face the pain, the blood, or else suffer impotence, this may be a sign of prostate cancer.
-2 If you see a change in size of testicles, swollen or feel tumors of testes cancer, it may be a sign.
-3 Infests moist non-skin cancer in men. You usually see a lot of acne, has increased the size or the color spots on the skin that is exceptionally deep must contact your doctor.
-4 Wound in the mouth, jaw or jaw swelling unresponsive to get tested for cancer of the mouth.
If you go too protracted -5 cough may be a sign of lung cancer.
-6 To BloodOnline stool can be a sign of colon cancer.
-7 Severe abdominal pain and nausea at all times and to feel the panic pnkryaz, Colorado yktl or may be a sign of liver cancer.
If you have a fever or infection -8. So often it indicates that the white blood cells in the body that are affected may be a sign of cancer of the blood that is shed.
-9 Difficulty in swallowing throat or stomach cancer may be indicated.
-10 Scratches on the body appear frequently, especially hathunaur fingers, blood can be a sign of cancer.
-11 To decrease the weight of the Display minor may indicate cancer.
-12 To always feel tired and shortness of breath, though usually not considered a sign of cancer, but take it seriously and see a doctor.
-13 You usually severe headache or sudden severe headache mygryn not an issue, but then began to live at risk of brain tumors may be.
-14 Although these symptoms may indicate various problems, but remember that it's too early issues of common cancer symptoms, the doctor must see them.

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