Monday 22 December 2014

برطانوی دوشیزہ نے جنگلی قبیلے میں شادی کر لی ،وجہ انتہائی دلچسپBritish woman married into the wild tribes, the most interesting

British woman married into the wild tribes, the most interesting

Aymzun wild tribes living in the jungles of South America over the centuries, butthe modern world are living separate thlk a British woman married with a wildtribal chief surprised not only the world but also the joy of savages raised. This unique 21-year-old Sarah, who married young woman who was studying atKingston University, he went to South America Ecuador wild tribes determined to draw attention to the risks and that good leaders become the bride of wildenthusiasm became due.

Aymzun oil companies were damaged forests huruny which the future of the tribewas in danger. Sarah famous warriors and hunters of the tribe gnktu by marryinghis tribe decided to bring to the world's problems. To make the bride when shewas taken to a tent, they were surprised to see that they were naked. He alsoSarah naked and clothed them traditional tribe that consists of a strip which iswrapped around the waist. The new name of the tribe "aymaka" and had madethem gnktu bride. Their wedding was so extraordinary that the documentary alsobecame a robber. She spent time with the savages will always remember them, and though they are not gnktu bride but she still loves him.

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