Saturday 20 December 2014

The world's only 5-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy baby.

The world's only 5-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy baby.

five years and seven months old daughter gave birth to a healthy son.
Although the stories of this kind usually have proven completely unfounded butthe details of this event not only medical science journal were published in La Presse Medicale, but also the leading newspapers published detailed articles.This event took place on 16 July 1939 when the little girl was born the sonthrough the operation.

Doctors say that this girl named Lena Maidan pre Effort females suffer from aproblem which is very early in the onset of puberty. Child sexual organ in theprocess of completion and women's physical structure appears before the age of five had been initiated and days was almost 3 years old. Although all the details of the case have never appeared but his father's name was notdisclosed.

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