Friday 28 November 2014

The amazing benefits of circumcision for human health, science has also accepted

The amazing benefits of circumcision for human health, science has also accepted

New York (HIT) in the rite of circumcision for centuries has been the target of jokes, but now modern science has proved that it is not only necessary for the general male health, but also the best way to avoid many dangerous sexually transmitted diseases is.

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For this purpose, a study was conducted in Uganda rakayy the city. 4996uncircumcised men in this study, which included 2474 men were circumcisedimmediately after the year 2522 two men were circumcised. The men, agedbetween 15 and 49 years, and none of them had AIDS. Two years later, whenthey were tested for the presence of AIDS was found that those who werecircumcised, the rate of AIDS in the rate of 0.66 percent and 1.33 percent in the second group, ie those who were not circumcised men AIDS was more than double.

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After researching for the Control of AIDS were new recommendations to overcome this dreadful disease which circumcision was mandatory.

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