Sunday 23 November 2014

Washing chicken before cooking highly dangerous

Washing chicken before cooking highly dangerous

Los Angeles (News Desk), health experts have revealed thatpoultry meat in the kitchen washing the bacteria in theenvironment and food poisoning and other illnesses spreadasyaءtk causes.Cold, flu and sore throats simple prescription for salvationis washed with water, then the bacteria found in kymplubyktrhad to wash pots and food spreads hy.fud kyaasyaءtkStandards Agency (FSA) that the researchers say it is the leading cause of food poisoning bacteria and every year millions of people suffering victims of the disease. This makes the stomach pains, diarrhea and vomiting, while the problemsfacing children and the elderly much more severe and in some cases may be life-threatening situation .
Medical costs or benefits of kissing, research proved
Note: If you think it is important to wash the chicken is bettersomewhere else, be it kitchen where foods are not likely to beincluded in the bacterium.

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